Membership Guidlines

Membership Guidlines

To join Korean Society of Children's Literature & Education, please visit our web site at 


1. Process of joining
Complete the application form on the website 
-> Pay the annual fee for membership
-> Confirm approval 


2. Membership protocol

1) Individual Member

(1) Regular Member 

①A person who holds a master's or doctoral degree in the field of children's literature and early childhood education in Korea 
or other countries.

②A person who holds a bachelor´s degree and has over two year’s experience in retail in the field of children's literature and 
early childhood education

③A person who was recommended by one director or two regular members 

(2) Student Member: A person who is studying children's literature and early childhood education at the master's or doctoral 
level in Korea or other countries.

2) Group member
University's children's literature and early childhood education related department, library, and related institution.


3. Membership annual fee

1) Individual Member:
Regular membership: 50,000 won
Student membership: 50,000 won 

2) Group member: 60,000 won

* Bank account No. for deposit of fee
  KB국민 Bank 645101-04-041164 (Account holder's name: 박선희: Sunhee Park )

- Please enter your name and details when making payment. If you are a new member, you must register at our website for the Korean Association of Child Studies. After making your payment, please send your name and address to:


4. Membership Benefits 

* Subscription to Journal of Children's Literature and Education Research* Voting privileges. * Access to the e-journals and other informations of Korean Society of Children's Literature & Education* Receive all the materials and books related to the Korean Society of Children's Literature & Education